
PPC Talks: How to Break Down Asset Groups in Performance Max

If you set up your asset groups the right way and get granular with your audience signals, it can give you greater control and insight into your campaign performance. This can result in more engagement, and it may even double your ROAS and conversion rate (like it has for our PMax campaigns).

In this episode, Usama and Efe share how they break down asset groups for effective Performance Max campaigns. This includes how many asset groups to create, the audience signals they recommend, the best practices and pre-requisites during the build-out, and many more.

A question from one of our awesome subscribers is the inspiration for this video. We appreciate all the support you guys have given our channel and we’d love to hear more from you! 💚

If you want to know more techniques and secret strategies for successful campaigns, you can ask Kasim, John, and our Google Ads strategists directly in our Weekly Live Q&A Session.

Catch them live every Friday on YouTube and LinkedIn at 1 PM PST.

00:00 How to Break Down Asset Groups in Performance Max

01:11 Factors to consider when breaking down your PMax asset groups

02:34 Target ALL Visitors and create a custom segment for your competition

03:56 In-marketing and affinity audience targeting in Performance Max

05:08 Upload your customer list

05:26 Search intent- target users based on their search activity

09:26 Considering your budget when breaking down your asset groups

11:01 You have to sit back and relax after building your PMax campaign

Related Videos:

🤯 Introduction to Performance Max Asset Groups: https://youtu.be/7ohLv4YvV1w

✌️ How Many Asset Groups Can I Have In a Performance Max Campaign? (Sorry We Lied to You...): https://youtu.be/Je48FIIHL5k

🧠 Internal Debate on Performance Max Audiences With the Solutions 8 Google Ads Strategists: https://youtu.be/y0g3CiTWfQ8

PPC Talks playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp...

This ULTIMATE GUIDE gives you EVERYTHING you need to know about how to set up, build and optimize your Google Ads Performance Max campaigns: https://sol8.com/performance-max/

🤖🦾🦿 The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads Performance Max for 2022 (Part 1-3): https://youtu.be/oXoFn7dUvL8



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Hello folks again?


Slow wait.


I it's SAMO bringing you useless


Google information.


One of our viewers, uh, he asked or she asked, I don't know, uh, would love to


know how you break down your asset groups.


I have two product categories in my E eco store, but I'm not sure if I should


be breaking my asset groups out by, uh, products or by demographics or by dot.


So, how do you break down your asset groups?


The way we like to do it.


It's based off of the number of categories we can have, or the number of collect


categories, collections, whatever you wanna call 'em and the number


of audience signals we can pick out.


So let's say you ha you're running an e-commerce store.


That's in.


Give me a niche, an outdoor niche, right?


You're selling camping equipment.


You're selling hiking equipment and you're studying water sports equipment.


Those are your three categories, right?


So there's a lot of ways you can go about this.


If you wanna go a less aggressive build out, you could choose your three


categories as your main three categories.


Then you can find four to five audience signals of what we like to go for.


The ones we depends on the budget, right?


Let's start with no, wait, let's do the, let's do that first


and then we'll talk budget too.






Um, stay tuned.


There's a budget factor in this.


Um, so let's say it's like stay till the end of the video.


There's more what you,




Oh, what do you call it?


So let's say you have those three categories, right?


And then you have five audience signals.


I think that's what we go for.


Like four to five audience signals per category.


That's 15 outside groups for that.


I explain.


So we'll find out how many a signals


we have.


Yeah, right.


So we were talking there.


We said hiking, camping, and water sports.


The ones we like to go for are all visitors as one.


There's a caveat to all visitors that you wanna check, make sure you're


using Google ads, all visitors, and make sure you have a good


conversion rate on those old visitors.


Like to 1% plus would be decent.


Your competitors make a custom segment.


Targeting competitor.


Traffic is a good one.






So with, uh, before you apply all this, there's this go to your Google


analytics and check out all your, if you like, if you're running Facebook


ads or like, let's say you have a good conversion rate on your organic


direct Google ads, um, Pinterest, but you have, um, a bad conversion rate on


your Facebook ads or like programmatic.


Be sure to exclude those or be sure to, yeah.


Uh, all visitors only coming from like organic direct or something you like.


So did I switch from the old visitors from like all visitors from all website


traffic to only Google ads, all visitors.


And I'll only use the Google ads, all visitors, if I have a


good conversion rate on them.


So I don't even look at the rest of the traffic.


I just look at Google ads cuz that's the one I could control um, but


yeah, it's exactly to your point.


Make sure it's.


Traffic that you're gonna signal it with, what did I say?


So we had all visitors, we had competitors, the next ones are in market.


Go for the obvious ones and go for some not so obvious ones.


And then we have affinity audiences saying, go for the, yeah.


Go for the, go for the obvious ones first.


And then don't go for the obvious ones.


So for example, if we're doing camping, look for, look for an audience


that's literally camping, right?


That's the obvious one, but then again, it could also a non


obvious one would be someone that.


Owns an RV or travels a lot, right.


Someone that owns an RV in the sense that they probably go out.


If they're in an RV, they probably camping out somewhere guys.


So an RV would be a non-obvious one kind of situation, stuff like that.


So you wanna find that connection United or like if you own.


Let's say you're selling food, right?


Or some sauces, right?


Well, this is, I won't say who, but let's say there was a client, we


have a client that's selling sauces.


One of the obvious audiences was condiments.




The not so obvious, obvi audience was frequently dined out, which worked really


well in this case, in this audience.


So that's what I mean by go for obvious and not so obvious ones,


but make sure they make sense.


Don't just go for random ones.


Make sure they make sense.




So that's the affinity and in market, The last signal we like to use is


customer list or your all converters.


I always like using customer list overall converters because the all


converters is completely dependent on your conversion tracking.


If you don't have conversion tracking, set up properly, that data's gonna be garbage.


It's no use to you.




about searching then?


Like, I like that the most, by the way.




Those are good too.


Oh yeah.


So that's a sixth one run.


I forgot about that one.


So we getting another one we're


gonna, we're gonna know we're gonna go up and




We don't know our numbers.




Um, the last one we like to, another one we like to do is purchase uncertain


10 for all our converting keywords that we have in a signal or the


most relevant keywords we can find.


And then brand terms as well, just insert intent.


Those are just a list of audiences.


You guys can try.


And see what works.


So that was the case for three, right?


That's like, that's like overarching three, but you can get extra,


super mega duper segmented.


very segmented.


Even further.


Cuz right now we chose three categories and maybe like six,


seven audience signals, but you can go even farther down and.


Split up your asset groups into even further categories.


So we started, let's say, we said camping, right?


And under camping, you have three other collections.


Give me camping collections, man.


Um, 10, never, never camping.


I go camping once.


Let's say 10, let's say.


So supplies.






Let's just say you have three other collections under camping right now,


instead of using camping and three, let's just say you have three other collections


under each of those main collections you have of water, sports, camping.


And what was the third one?




You can split based off of those three collections too.


So initially we decided to go over three and three times seven


poster, times 7 21 asset groups.


I gotta be careful.


This guy is


about to.




just good at just kind of trash it, but, and then we let's say we split


it up based off even further down.


So we had three for each of those, which means we have nine collections


in total and we have seven signals.




So nine times seven is what?




So now you have 63 asset groups split out.




So that's how you can kind of split up your asset groups.


Based off of signals, but remember it's one audience signal PERA group.


This is where budget comes into play.


When you're deciding how many asset groups you want move,


if you let's just keep pushing anything.


But, um, to add that, to that point, We set three categories, but, uh,


recently we found out that, um, having an additional all products oh, yeah.


Was good too.


So we recently found that we, we always, uh, stopped by


categories times the, a signals.


But recently when that, when that didn't work, we started all products,


uh, times, um, add signals and it, it literally saved that campaign.




It showed




It did.


It performed really well.




It performed really well.


But there was it's it's weird.


I don't know how PAX works meant.


I mean, I do, but it's weird cuz it's different in every case.


um, just like, what is he talking about?


What is he telling us?


He doesn't know what PAX works.


It's different in each case, if they turning up his curtains,


um, it's different in each case.


Um, wasn't gonna save, let me lose my train of thought here.


Um, it's different in each case, guys.


It's just me now.


FA has ditched us all.




Back to the topic it's different.


In each case, we've had scenarios where all products has worked really


well, and we have other scenarios where all products did not do so well.


So that is also something you could test, um, times that I've had it worked.


We've had it worked more well in more cases than not work well when


we added the old products, asset groups into the PAX campaigns.


It's so that works well.


So that's something you can add to as an asset group, to


at face points now to budget.


Or do you wanna add something else


that if no, we can move on to budget.


Are we gonna talk about what to do after that?


No, they can watch the other videos.


There's plenty.


It's only asset groups build up so now there's budgets, right?


Budget is something you gotta take into consideration in respect to how


many asset groups you wanna build up.


If you have 50 asset groups and you're running at it at a $50 a day, your


PMAX, campaign's not gonna work.


It doesn't have enough budget to test the different asset which you launch.


I mean, it will, but it will take very, very long.


Try try running a campaign for a dollar a day or try running.


All of all seven, what is it?


Seven platform, whatever.


Seven platforms of Google


let's move away from SOPs.


Cause like a dollar.




Uh, can mean nothing in some industries.


So it's, it's all about your logic.


So let's say you give $50 and you have 50, so groups by the end of the month.


Do you have enough examples in your listing groups?


Like, Hey, uh, FA this is not working.




Look at the listing groups.


How many clicks do you have in that?


I mean, 15.




It means nothing.




So the basic thing here is if you're gonna create a lot of asset groups,


make sure you have the budget for, to get enough data on them.


If you don't have the budget, create less asset groups.


Choose nitpick at the ones you think are most relevant and


then create those asset groups.


If you're running at $50 a day, I probably wouldn't create more than three


to five asset groups kind of situation.


And even then it would take a month before you would start judging the data.


Anything you wanna add


at the, um, I, uh, about the judging stuff, uh, Google is


saying, uh, wait for like six weeks.


Right after that, this is the first buildup, not the changes.


Like when you first build out a PAX, you should give it like six


weeks before judging it because it's like three to four weeks to let it


learn then plus your conversion leg.


And you know, it's, it's not gonna start.






It's gonna stop picking up the.


Low hanging fruit.


Like itll probably start with your brand.


Then once it exhausts that ready users, it'll start, then it'll


try to learn with new users.


Come back up point.


You will have proper data.


So wave flex for you.


Judge it.


Six weeks before you judge in.


And every time you make a change, that's significant.


Even if it's a small change, you have to wait 14 days plus convergent leg


before you can start judging your data again, which kind of sucks.


But it is what it is.


PAX has been known to work in more cases than none.






It's different.


Like when you, when you increase the budget, 20% inside of the smart shopping,


Does not go into the learning phase.


Like 20% is the amount you can change, but I don't see that's


the case with performance bags.


It's too fragile.


You increase it like 10 bucks.


It just breaks


it does.


It goes back into a learning phase and then you're stuck waiting.


So we're kind of trying this new thing.


We're trying to do bulk edits, where we watch and monitor the campaigns


every day, every week, whatever, depending on what the, uh, Account


is and how much attention it needs.


And then we figure out what changes we wanna make.


And then we make 'em all at once.


So that way we don't toss it into learning every other day or every


other week when we make those changes.






of taking actions, take notes, like take notes, like, okay, I'm


planning on killing this asset groups.


I'm planning on, uh, opening that up.


I'm planning on changing the BI strategy.


And I think I should scale like, wait for that.


Take notes.


And after like you have a proper list, just make the bulk changes


once and get, get that over it.


Yep guys, this is all stuff we do.


So test it.


A drone discretion.


Don't come at us.


Be like someone, we tried this, it didn't work.


You killed our campaign.


but this is all stuff.


We do everything we say here is stuff we do.


It's still learning.


Like I, I say this frequently, and I think Google will be mad at


us, but Google doesn't know wider.


Like if you ask these questions to.


Uh, they will have answers, but every person will answer differently.




They don't know what's


going on.


Nobody knows, like this is literally a black box.


We don't even have keyword right now.


Do you have keywords inside?


It's gone.


I check this morning at all.


My keywords are gone.


I was like, oh my God.




I think


this sucks either.


It is updating.


I'm just, uh, I have two things in my mind.


Maybe the negative keywords are coming and they're testing out


different stuff and they have to pull it back for, uh, for a little time.


The second thing is, uh, and this, I, I don't think this is the case, but.


Uh, people stoles they complain a lot and Google think, okay,


this is the, this is literal.


The reason we didn't give keywords inside of smart shopping, let's go back to that.






People giving people too much data and then they're like, this is wrong.


I don't want to use this.


And then Google like take it away because people dunno what they're talking about.






I think that's it for this video.


What do you think?




I think that's enough.


I don't want, let us know if you have any more questions.




John video is like one hour and 20 minutes.


It took you three days.


Those are live . Yeah, that was live.


That took too long.


Right guys.


We'll see


you later.




Bye guys.

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