Performance Max In 2023 When Is It Still Good For Your Business
Kasim and Ralph discuss when and how Performance Max can still be a valuable asset for your marketing strategy despite its downsides.
Explore the world of Performance Max campaigns and its relevance in today's digital advertising landscape. Learn about the tweaks you can make when running PMax campaigns to ensure you still have control over them and why you should use Media Efficiency Ratio (MER) to measure your campaign's effectiveness accurately.
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0:00 Performance Max In 2023: When Is It Still Good For Your Business?
2:31 How to analyze the effectiveness of PMax
6:03 New customer acquisition is difficult
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• The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads for ...
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LinkedIn: Obligatory disclaimer, you can't paint with a broad brush and this is 2 going to be different for everybody. 3 And it's absolutely worth testing. 4 And I really mean that we're still testing it on every individual client. 5 But our findings have been that for new customer acquisition, 6 it falls massively short. 7 And to preface, one thing to note is Performance Max has three manifestations. 8 It has more than that, but three primary manifestations, which would be feed 9 only and Performance Max feed only. 10 If you're not familiar with that, it's when you effectively hamstring 11 Performance Max intentionally, and you turn it into a smart shopping 12 campaign because feed only forces it to go into shopping based Placements. 13 it's pretty cool the way that performance max feed only campaigns can work. 14 We've got a video all about that on the solutions at YouTube channel. 15 If anybody's interested, then there's the performance max non feed for e 16 com, which is also really interesting. 17 It tricks performance max into being something like a DSA campaign. 18 It doesn't necessarily push conversions the way that it should, but it helps a 19 lot with top of the funnel interest based. 20 Audience building, those types of things. 21 And then of course there's the full build where you give it the feed, you 22 give it the conversion actions, you give it all the assets that it needs 23 and it takes it and runs with it. 24 with those three manifestations in mind, where I really like using performance max 25 is when I want to improve and increase the efficacy of my return traffic. 26 Cause just because we say, Oh, performance max just, sells 27 your customers back to you. 28 That sounds so dismissive that you'd never want to run it, but what. 29 Companies are finding, especially larger companies with large customer 30 bases is you can increase the frequency with which somebody purchases. 31 You can protect that repeat purchase, especially if you have competitors 32 that are selling the same shit. 33 You can improve the value of those repeat purchases. 34 So if they were going to buy, one bag of coffee grounds, maybe now they buy four. 35 There's a lot of. 36 Use cases as to when, why, and how you'd want to continue to maximize 37 the value of returning customers, remarketing lists, brand traffic, 38 customer competitor traffic bottom of the funnel already exposed to you. 39 Traffic bounces. 40 Atrophied clients, dropped off clients, et cetera. 41 And performance max does phenomenally well there. 42 if you have any question as to whether or not it works, then just look at 43 your media efficiency ratio when you use it compared to when you don't. 44 And that's the purest way to see the true impact that performance max is having 45 on your overall campaign performance, which incidentally, for all my CMOs 46 and director of marketing, you have to be looking at efficiency ratio. 47 It's the, probably the single most important KPI in marketing period. 48 And it will protect you from situations and instances where 49 your Google ads agency says, Oh, you're getting a 900 percent ROAS. 50 But for whatever weird reason, that's not reflected in your bank account. 51 If you're spending a dollar and you're getting 3 back, but then some 52 jackass that looks a lot like me. 53 Comes and says, you're getting a 900 percent ROAS. 54 My question is, why don't I have 9 in my bank account for 55 every dollar that I've spent? 56 That would be 900%. 57 And here's what's crazy. 58 They don't know. 59 They can't answer that. 60 the real return? 61 And that's what Murr will tell you. 62 We've got a whole video on that too, by the way, Ralph called 63 CMO math on our YouTube channel. 64 We might want to bring John in to talk about that because that's a great topic. 65 Yeah. 66 Let's leave links in the show notes to both of those. 67 I'm gonna grab both of those from you. 68 Post show. 69 But that's the helpful piece of performance Max is maximizing the value 70 of, existing prospects, existing traffic. 71 And that shouldn't be understated because that's still really important too. 72 Is it cost efficient though? 73 Devil's advocate here, , it depends on who you are. 74 I'm gonna spend more money to get the same customer to buy 75 again that I already got before. 76 Like, why don't I just use a free email and SMS nurture. 77 Email and SMS nurture. 78 So we've got a mutual client who sells consumables in the pet space. 79 And what's interesting is we've tried it basically in all the ways 80 that you can imagine trying it. 81 And what we found is performance max still maximizes the value of their 82 existing client base better than. 83 Not having it. 84 So they still do emails. 85 They do SMS. 86 Do they do direct mail drops? 87 Like they do everything you can think of. 88 And when you layer on PMAX they still get an uptick in return. 89 It's not huge, but they're also so big that those little improvements . But 90 if I were a small e com biz, if I'm spending sub, , 20, 30 grand I would want 91 nothing but new customer acquisition. 92 That's why I think when that feature came out, I was particularly excited about it. 93 Oh dude, you and me both. 94 It showed some initial gain. 95 still does. 96 When you turn on new customer acquisition, two weeks looks promising. 97 it looks really prime. 98 Then it dies. 99 And I don't know why I, maybe somebody at Google can answer this. 100 Maybe I'm using it wrong, dude. 101 Like I don't, but we've tried it over and over again. 102 We're not dummies. 103 Yeah. 104 New customer acquisition and performance max still to date does not work. 105 If you're a Google ads manager, that's made it work, reach out to 106 me, come on the show, train us up. 107 You'd have to be able to prove it. 108 But if you can prove you've made new customer acquisition work 109 instead of performance max and be receptive to me digging into 110 it and finding out that actually might not necessarily be the case. 111 I'd love to learn what you're doing because just click checking that 112 box doesn't work a hundred percent. 113 It's one of the reasons why we talk about this at the beginning of the 114 show is like our tagline for the show is customer acquisition, right? 115 It's new customers, leads and sales ultimately to enhance and achieve 116 your vision as an organization. 117 But new customer acquisition is one of the hardest things to do online. 118 It's one of the hardest things to do in marketing and 119 business in business for sure. 120 So the economics of selling more to who you've already bought is. 121 Obviously important, but as long as it's being done economically and it's 122 additive to other ways, let's not forget, like just Google itself is not. 123 I'm sure you have plenty of customers and all they do is Google ads and that's it. 124 But if you're looking at a well diversified, we have 125 some larger customers. 126 I would say 10 to a hundred to a couple hundred million level customers, 127 they're using multiple channels to figure all this out and using Mer. 128 As the touchstone for all of it. 129 Because that's what the big boys do. 130 And that's how you actually grow and scale a business, but it's 131 all got to work out economically. 132 Like when we, when we do a discovery call or a growth plan for a 133 customer is Hey, I'm getting the two X row ass right now on all my. 134 Meta ads, and I'm spending 20, 30, 000 a month. 135 And I want you guys to get it to three X. 136 I'm like first off, I know for a fact, you're probably not excluding 137 new previous customers, any of your targeting, you're not doing 138 exclusions and exclusions are not. 139 I'll be all end all by the way , even though you can do exclusions and I 140 know you can do the same thing on Google performance max, it doesn't 141 guarantee that the algorithm is still going to find people who are familiar 142 with your brand or maybe bought before engaged with your brand prior. 143 So the first thing that I usually do is I say, Hey, your ROAS is going to go down. 144 Now, the problem is your front end creative. 145 The problem is your conversion rate on your page. 146 The problem is that none of your tracking is set up. 147 You're not optimizing for the right event. 148 It's almost you have to accept the fact that customer acquisition, 149 new customer acquisition is the hardest thing to do on the planet. 150 And you're going to have to figure out how to work around that. 151 We just thought that performance max was going to really sort it out because Google 152 knows so much about all of us, right? 153 It's still 72 million, psychographic and demographic 154 profiling factors and everything. 155 Let's just up that to a hundred million at this point. 156 It's a trillion. 157 You would be smarter now and could really focus on people who have never known who 158 you are, but the algorithms are always going to corner the market on the people 159 who are most likely to convert, right? 160 So going back to our previous conversations of brand awareness, 161 consideration ads, like creating your own market through your front 162 end creative and then getting them into the conversion campaigns. 163 We're going to continue to talk about that as a growing trend here, because 164 at the end of the day, the goal is not necessarily spend money on brand. 165 The goal is to expand the market for your brand so you can acquire more customers. 166 And I'm just amazed that. 167 That part of it for Google Performance Max with all the brainpower, 168 with all the data points, hasn't been able to solve that issue. 169 That's the key to online marketing is customer acquisition. 170 Bottom of the funnel stuff is easy. 171 Yeah, they'll crack the code. 172 There's no way they don't. 173 There's a reason they put that little checkbox they've already planted 174 a flag in the ground saying we are going to do this at some point. 175 I'm just here to tell you that it doesn't work. 176 Yeah. 177 Interesting. Transcript